Our Invisalign Specialists

dentist orthodontist invisalign
orthodontist Invisalign Amir Philips

With more than 35 years of experience in the field of orthodontics and hundreds of Invisalign patients, the orthodontists of Philips orthodontics are part of the best specialists of Invisalign treatment.

Orthodontist Amir Philips is an Invisalign expert in Belgium. His years of experience in orthodontics allow him to diagnose patients in all his different practices but also to present the master in invisible orthodontics teaching Invisalign to dentists and others orthodontists in Belgium and Luxembourg.

orthodontiste practitioner Invisalign

Amir Philips is a Platinium Elite Invisalign Provider, title awarded in recognition of the progress that he made in the invisible orthodontic field.

Speaker Invisalign

Amir Philips is also an Invisalign Speaker. He teaches the technique to dentists and orthodontists in Belgium and in Luxembourg.

Invisalign Specialists

Amir Philips and his team will meet you in Belgium, France and Luxembourg.

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Invisalign, the invisible orthodontics for adults and teens

Do you already know the invisible orthodontic treatment Invisalign ?

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invisalign appliance price invisalign tarif price cost

How much does a treatment
with Invisalign cost?

Get an appointment today and see what treatment is right for you.

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invisalign for teenagers orthodontic appliance for teenager

for teens

The invisible and removable dental appliance for teens.

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